June 22, 2020
Ugodne cene za izbrane modele vhodnih vrat – SE ZARADI VELIKEGA ZANIMANJA PODALJŠAJO DO 31.03.2021
December 14, 2020
Prikaži vse novice


The energy-saving window is manufactured in a natural and renewable material – wood.
The thickness of the profiles 92 mm enables high structural stability of the product.
By installing thicker three-layer glass (from 44 to 57 mm) with thermal transmittance Ug = 0.5 Wm2 / K and TGI interglazed spacer
the thermal transmittance of the whole window is Uw = 0.76 Wm2 / K.
The product is suitable for installation in high-quality LOW-ENERGY buildings.
All corner joints on the frame and casement are the mortise and tenon type, which is the strongest joint available in window frame construction.